Wednesday 7 December 2011

Moon sign astrology - An Introduction

Moon sign astrology is a great tool that can help depict and understand one's emotions. Moon signs are quite common in astrology but are overshadowed by the popularity of Sun signs. While most people know what their Sun sign is, hardly anyone knows his or her moon sign and what moon signs are supposed to depict.

[caption id="f_attachment" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="."]by jurvetson under CC BY with moon sign astrology[/caption]
The Moon as an Astrological symbol
The moon

moon sign astrology

Cleaning a tarot deck

Clearing a Tarot Deck

When you bring home a new deck of tarot cards you want to clear them. Clearing is a process of spiritually cleaning the cards to remove any negative energy or blocks that they may have accumulated. When you clear a tarot card deck for the first time you are also putting your own energy into the deck. There are many ways one can clear a deck. It's a matter of preference for the reader.

It is suggested that when one gets a new deck of tarot cards that they are

tarot deck

Monday 5 December 2011

The Amazing Meanings and Mysteries of the Origins of Latin Tarot

In Latin tarot, the connection between the symbolic meanings of the tarot trump cards and the numeric significance of each card in particular has been shrouded in mystery for ages. The first tarot deck was invented in the 15th century and quickly became extremely popular throughout Europe in the decades and centuries to come.
There is not much information available about the initial significance of tarot trump cards except for the illustrations that seemed to point towards certain potential

Latin Tarot

Sunday 4 December 2011

How to Work Successfully with the Tarot de Marseille card Deck

The tarot de Marseille card deck is one of the most well known type of tarot cards available. It is also one of the standard patterns from which many other forms of tarot have derived over the years. Some sources claim that the deck was invented in Italy around the 15th century and later introduced in the south of France, where in the 19th century it was given the name that it still bears to this day.
The structure of the deck is similar to many other types of tarot cards widely known

tarot de Marseille

Saturday 3 December 2011

The Advantages of Taking a Psychic Test for Developing your Mental Skills

If you decide to take a psychic test you have most likely heard of ESP, clairvoyance, telekinesis and other similar powers that certain people seem to have. While some were born with a natural sensitivity for such gifts, others had no other chance but to take the slower path of studying and learning to train their mind in order to develop them as mental skills.

Science has not caught up with reality when it comes to explaining the nature of these mental powers. Nevertheless, while the brain

psychic test

Friday 2 December 2011

New Age Tarot: The Impact of the New Age on Tarot Practices

New Age tarot has started offering a new wave of clarity that has never been seen before. In a troubled world where change is an unstoppable constant that often requires us to be the best people that we are capable to be, there is a great need for guidance and knowledge regarding what the future would bring and what we can do to make it better.

The practice is basically a technique of telling one’s fortune using special decks of cards called tarot decks. Some mystics say “the cards

new age tarot